

添加的内容 删除的内容
第141行: 第141行:
font-family: 'Smiley Sans';
font-family: 'Smiley Sans';
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font-style: normal;
font-weight: 500;
src: url(/images/d/d0/SmileySans-Oblique.otf.woff2) format('woff2');
src: url(/images/d/d0/SmileySans-Oblique.otf.woff2) format('woff2');
第147行: 第148行:
font-family: 'Smiley Sans';
font-family: 'Smiley Sans';
font-style: normal;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 500;

2022年11月16日 (三) 09:31的版本

 * 这里放置的样式将同时应用到桌面版和移动版视图
 * 仅用于桌面版的样式请放置于[[MediaWiki:Common.css]]和其他皮肤对应样式表内
 * 仅用于移动版的样式请放置于[[MediaWiki:Mobile.css]]

/* content mostly taken from [https://wiki.adodoz.cn/MediaWiki:Gadget-site-styles.css Minecraft基岩版开发Wiki] */

/* also from [[mcw:zh:MediaWiki:Gadget-site-styles.css]] */

/* 复制粘贴到别的地方的时候记得写原出处,而不要写这里。 */

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/** Template stylings **/
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/* Infobox style by Light Beacon
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/* To make images responsive */
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.stretch-img img {

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/* Generic nowrap class */
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/* Hide noscript only elements */
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/* Hide things on mobile (the extension is meant to do this automatically, but it doesn't work) */
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.tc-in-on {
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/* [[Template:Close topic]] */
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/** Misc stuff **/
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/* [[Template:Keys]], [[Module:Keys]] */
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/* tooltip */
abbr[title],.explain[title] {
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/* Comments */
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select[name="TheOrder"] {
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/* Portable Infobox */
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/*---- DPL Forum ----*/
/* Forumheader style */
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/* Forum table outside border */
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/* Forum table cell padding and borders for all table body cells */
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/* Forum table background color (show on odd rows) */
table.forum-table > tbody > tr {
/* Forum table background color (shows on even rows) */
table.forum-table > tbody > tr:nth-child(even) {
/* Forum table header row background, style and padding */
table.forum-table > tbody > tr > th {
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/*-- InputBox --*/
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/* Forum thread style */
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/* Dark side optimization */
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